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Serizawa’s noren - nawa

€ 189
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This design of a knotted straw rope (縄, nawa) curtain is one of Keisuke Serizawa's most famous designs and represents a unique fusion between a modernist aesthetic and a traditional imaginary, with the addition of a hint of irony, typically Japanese: the game is about camouflaging an object (the rope curtain) within another object that has the same use but a different appearance (the noren, the typical entrance curtain of Japanese houses and shops), putting basically two curtains in one. A timeless design, made in 1955, just before being designated National Living Treasure (人間 国宝) the following year. Made of sturdy and thick cotton and measuring 120x85 cm, hand dyed and finished, this is one of the greatest achievement of Serizawa and the original is still preserved nowadays in the Hiroshima Prefectural Museum of Art.

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The Wonders of a Master
Cotton. A celebration of Japan's most wonderful tradition in textile: designed decades ago, yet still powerful and sleek today. 120 cm x 85 cm x 0.3 cm