Not far from Tokyo, on the legendary Mount Tsukuba, in Ibaraki Prefecture, known in Japan as "the purple mountain", it is possible to take a spectacular excursion starting from February, to admire the amazing sequential flowering of thousands of plums. peach and cherry trees.
Depending on the route, you can climb along the slopes of the mountain through expanses of azaleas, very scenic rock formations, beech woods.
Surrounded by the blooms, from one of the two peaks of the mountain, Nyotai-san, you can enjoy a breathtaking view of the Kanto plain with Mount Fuji on the horizon, after which you can go to the other peak of Nantai: there, you can find tea rooms, ideal to relax before taking the way back and reaching the Shinto temple of Tsukubasan - the starting and ending point of the excursion - devoted to the cult of the Mount and a destination for passionate tourism, especially inland, due to the fact that the two peaks, revered as a pair of Shinto deities, have always been considered tutelary deities of marriage harmony and conjugal happiness.