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Drip coffee brewer brass stand set - 4 cups

€ 199
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This set is just what any drip coffee lover aims at: the perfect blend between style and function, which allows to extract from ground coffee all its precious coffee oil, which is the ultimate source of coffee's rich taste and aroma. Handmade in Japan, it comes with a stand, filter, brewer, server, and holder (which doubles as a measuring cup for beans). The Brewer stand displays a wonderful combination between deep colored walnut and blasted brass, that will age beautifully, while the stainless steel filter eliminates the need for paper cones and and can be used repeatedly. Brewing coffee couldn't be more simple: just put medium ground coffee into the stainless steel filter and slowly pour hot water. The heat-resistant glass server lets you observe the coffee dripping and the dots on the server indicate the amount of dripped coffee. Once you enjoyed your well deserved coffee time, the holder can be used to place the brewer and filter after use. Filter, brewer, server and holder are dishwasher safe. Brass, walnut wood, stainless steel, silicone coating. Simply what all drip coffee lover should have at home, to indulge in a deeper, richer coffee time. 16 cm x 13 cm x 25 cm