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SUMMER BREAK > All orders placed from July 25th will be shipped from August 22nd

Mild Heisei soy sauce

€ 11
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This is a special soy sauce: made from whole soy beans, cultivated in Kyushu, and akazake, a traditional sake from Kumamoto, it has a touch of thin sugar called wasanbon in it, which makes it a amakuchi (sweet) soy sauce, with a long, umami and slightly sweeter flavor. Its taste goes particularly well with meat, sashimis and roasted scallops, and it is especially recommended for the perfect Tamago kake gohan, the popular Japanese breakfast consisting of cooked rice mixed with raw egg and soy sauce. 100 ml. Soybean, wheat, salt, wasanbon sugar, akazake (rice, koji, alcohol, sugar). Una salsa di soia speciale, per gustare pietanze giapponesi e non con una nota leggermente dolce, unica e perfetta per molte preparazioni. 4 cm x 4 cm x 14 cm