Every THE rice bowl is designed with human hand in mind: the 12 centimeter diameter of the rice bowl is derived from the average diameter of a Japanese person’s hand when a half-circle is made with the thumb and pointing finger. In other words, it is the perfect size that naturally fits a hand.
The height is set at half the diameter, which is 6 centimeters, as the ratio between the pointing finger and thumb is said to be exactly 2:1.
Alongside the original THE rice bowl set, made by five different regions of Japan's potteries, known for their distinct pottery styles, (Arita, Kiyomizu, Shigaraki, Seto and Mashiko), THE introduced a few more top-quality rice bowls, equal in shape, but handmade one by one with a unique style by some of the best potters in Japan.
KARATSU (Saga Prefecture)
“First Ido, second Raku, third Karatsu”.
This phrase expresses the ranking of tea bowls by the old masters in the world of the tea ceremony, perfected by Sen no Rikyū.
The origins of Karatsu-ware are uncertain, but its first kiln may have been in the territories of the Hata clan, lords of Kishitake Castle, during the Azuchi-Momoyama period.
The Karatsu bowl is finished inside with an iron glaze and outside with a straw ash glaze, emulating the Korean Karatsu rice bowls style, which could be found in the renowned Nakazato Tarouemon Gama's workshop, which has been making Karatsu ware for over 400 years.
A true masterpiece, which recounts a piece of Japanese pottery's history.
Part of the amazing THE bowl's set, this is an authentic masterpiece and represents one of the highest expressions of Japanese ceramics.
12 cm x 12 cm x 6 cm